@Injectable({instantiation: "singleton" | "prototype"})

class Something {

    public getValue() {
        return "more";

class SomethingElse {
    constructor(private readonly something: Something, private readonly str: string = "pizza") {

    public getValue() {
        return `need ${this.something.getValue()} ${this.str}`;

class Client {
    constructor(private readonly something: Something, private readonly somethingElse: SomethingElse) {

    public say() {
        return `I ${this.somethingElse.getValue()} and ${this.something.getValue()} coffee.`;

class Service {
    constructor(private readonly client: Client) {

    public check() {
        return `client says: ${this.client.say()}`;

// create the container
const container = new Container({enableAutoCreate: true});

// resolve without registration any @Injectable class
const service = await container.resolveByType<Service>(Service);

console.log(service.check());  // it will be: "client says: I need more pizza and more coffee."

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